Doing but never done...
At Pippsway I have learned that Horsemanship is like life, we can constantly improve and change but it is something we are doing, not something that will ever be ‘done’. We cannot make changes, admire the results and then sit back on our laurels, fall back into old habits and expect the improvements to stick.
We have to choose every day to show up grounded, centred, present in the moment, leave our ego at the gate (if we haven’t yet discovered the joy of leaving it behind as often as possible!) and be a worthy leader. We must be consistent…...consistently! The wonderful thing about this, is that this state of being feels amazing!
So rather than setting out on this path intending to enjoy ‘the moment’ when I achieve my goal, it is vital that I make the journey one that is enjoyable for both myself and my horse. That way we can be engaged with each other every moment along the way.
Realising, when I last worked with Amber, that things not going well is not a failure as long as I am taking the lesson from it, was very freeing! Feeling frustrated, angry and upset is pointless anyway as my horse is not going to respond well to me when I am in these negative states…
I feel so excited about this journey. Yes, being at one with my horse is my goal and being an excellent rider and horse woman is something I am striving for but every step between now and then? I intend to embrace the moment. Each and every one. Which is probably just as well as I imagine there will be quite a few!!!