What is normal?
Bronson and I had a great time at one of Pips Horse Connection Clinics this weekend. We’ve made tremendous progress together and Pip was...
Noticing the good!
Recently I was forced to have a five month break from working with my horse Bronson as, due to the flare up of an old repetitive strain...
Where there's a will, there's a way!
When I first came to Pippsway, after a 20 year break from riding, it transpired that all my bad habits and muscle memory had sadly...
The fruits of our labours...
Recently Bronson and I have been focusing on hacks at a walk and as it turns out, and much to my surprise, they have proved invaluable to...
Going solo...
We did it! After several hacking lessons, where Pip came with me first on foot, and later with her scooter, Bronson and I had a...