Riding with your mind...
I’ve been at Pippsway for over a year now and what a year it has been. Seeing how happy all the horses are living out 24/7 as part of a...
From there to here...
If you’ve been following my blog thus far you will know that Bronson is my perfect horse! He is a joy to ride, has the patience of ten...
Where is your focus?
One of Pip’s many strengths is always explaining things so that I can understand. If I cannot grasp the concept she is endeavouring to...
The horse's advocate...
Since I came to Pippsway one of the greatest comforts during my journey has been always having Pip as the horses advocate. In my recent...
The horse's point of view...
Years ago, when I was learning Salsa dancing, it was the first time in my life that I understood things from the horse’s point of view. I...